The 14th International Conference on Nitride Semiconductors (ICNS-14) will be held in Fukuoka, Japan, from 12 to 17 November, 2023. Rachel will lead a team to attend the conference, and works from the Cambridge Centre for Gallium Nitride will be presented.
Monday, 13th November
Poster MoP-CH-14 in Poster Session I in room Argos A-C at 15:45-17:35
Optimisation of GaN / porous GaN distributed Bragg reflectors grown on Si
Saptarsi Ghosh, Maruf Sarkar, Benoit Guilhabert, Miles Toon, Martin Frentrup*, Menno J. Kappers, Michael Strain, Rachel A. Oliver*
Tuesday, 14th November
Talk CH4-6 in session CH4 Characterization for Electron Devices I in room Argos E at 9:55-10:10
Nanoscale mapping of threshold voltage distribution in GaN-based high electron mobility transistor structures
Chen Chen*, Saptarsi Ghosh, Gunnar Kusch, Francesca Adams, Menno J. Kappers, David J. Wallis, Rachel A. Oliver
Friday, 17th November
Invited talk CH14-1 in session CH14 Nanostructures in room Navis A at 8:30-8:55
Insights into porous GaN from electron microscopy
Rachel Oliver*
Talk CH14-2 in session CH14 Nanostructures in room Navis A at 8:55-9:10
Morphological, structural and strain relaxation properties of porous InGaN-based pseudo-substrate for long wavelength µ-LEDs
Yihong Ji*, Martin Frentrup, Xiaotian Zhang, Jakub Pongrácz, Simon M. Fairclough, Yingjun Liu, Tongtong Zhu, Rachel A. Oliver
Talk CH17-2 in session CH17 GaN and AlN in room Navis B at 10:55-11:10
Polarity determination of crystal defects in zincblende GaN by aberration-corrected electron microscopy
Huixin Xiu, Simon M Fairclough, Abhiram Gundimeda, Menno J Kappers, David J Wallis, Rachel A Oliver, Martin Frentrup*