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Cambridge Centre for Gallium Nitride


The Cambridge Centre for Gallium Nitride benefits from the facilities of the Department of Materials Science and Metallurgy’s X-ray diffraction laboratories, which has a wide variety of X-ray diffractometers and software for data analysis.

XRD lab

For our work we use the Philips (PANalytical) high-resolution MRD X-ray diffractometer (P1) and the PANalytical Empyrean diffractometer with PIXcel3D detector (P2). Both are most suitable for GaN based materials. The quality and strain state of templates, epi-layers and quantum well structures, the thickness and chemical composition of the latter two and thickness ratio of quantum well structures can all be quantified by different types of scan (e.g. omega, omega-2theta scans and reciprocal space maps). Depending on the structure’s growth orientation (polar, non-polar or semi-polar), data analysis is performed in commercial software or using routines written by members of the group. The analyses are direct as well as by building model structures to compare, and fit, simulated data to experimental data.


Lab Access & analytical services

Further information on the equipment and access to the lab can be found in the intranet on the pages of the XRD lab.

We also provide a limited range of analytical services for users both within and beyond the University of Cambridge. For more information, please contact Martin Frentrup.