Freethink reports on the potential of future GaN devices
In its Future Explored series, Freethink magazine looks at GaN technology as the next big semiconductor.
"The Context" interviewed Rachel Oliver about the National Semiconductor Strategy
Prof. Rachel A. Oliver was on "The Context" on the BBC News Channel on Friday night talking about the National Semiconductor Strategy. The programme is on the link above, and the semiconductor bit starts at about 49 minutes.
Tech Monitor interviewed Rachel Oliver about the potential of GaN in electronics
Professor Rachel Oliver talked to Tech Monitor about recent developments in GaN technology and its potential in electronics.
Compound Semiconductor reports on cubic GaN development
Compound Semiconductor magazine has reported on recent developments in cubic GaN based LEDs made by Kubos Semiconducors, a spin-out of the Cambridge Centre for Gallium Nitride.
Podcast by Rachel Oliver for Real Scientists Nano
Professor Rachel Oliver recorded a podcast about her research and career for "Real Scientists Nano". Have a listen here:"
Materials Today present a Lab Profile of the Centre
Materials Today interviewed Rachel and present a profile of her and the centre for GaN.
Semiconductor Today report work on carrier distribution in quantum wells
Work done in collaboration with Bath reinterprets the ABC model to suggest carrier distribution across quantum wells in LEDs is more uniform than previously thought.
Colin Humphreys and Rachel Oliver discuss LED lighting in a "Naked Scientists" podcast
Colin and Rachel feature heavily in this podcast by the Naked Scientists that looks at how LEDs are transforming lighting.
Rachel Oliver and Tongtong Zhu's research perspective highlighted in Europhysics News
Congratulations to Rachel and Tongtong for their recent research perspective article about quantum light sources in Europhysics Letters, which has been highlighted in a special issue of Europhysics News, focussing on key research on the science of light.
Rachel Oliver interview with Science and Engineering South
Rachel has been talking about her EPSRC-funded project on developing single photon sources based on InGaN quantum dots. Click on the link above to access the interesting interview.
GaN talks at the 2016 Cambridge Science Festival
We will present an interactive talk about gallium nitride and a children's workshop about energy-efficient lighting at the 2016 Cambridge Science Festival. The official programme of events for the Department of Materials is downloadable here.
Industrial partnership to deliver cubic nitride LEDs
The group recently received an Innovate UK grant to continue work with Anvil Semiconductors and Plessey to realise cubic nitride LEDs; this has been reported in EE Times. The full article can be read here.
Highest Frequency GaN HEMT Performance
The PowerGaN project has demonstrated the highest frequency x-band performance for a GaN HEMT on low-resistance silicon. The report has been summarised by Semiconductor Technology and the full article can be read here.
Semiconductor Today article from PowerGaN
Reduced gate leakage and current collapse have been demonstrated in GaN-based HEMTs fabricated in the PowerGaN project. This progress has been highlighted in Semiconductor Today magazine; read the full article here.
Spark Zhang Featured in Journal of Physics LabTalk
Spark and researchers at Imperial College have been featured in the Journal of Physics "Labtalk" series for work on ScGaN. You can read the article here.
EPSRC Pioneer 14
The EPSRC features some of the work from the GaN Centre in its EPSRC Pioneer 14 (p 56-57) review. Read more.
Video interview with Colin and researchers on the group's work
The University of Cambridge have highlighted the work of the group in an article about our GaN research, featuring a video interview with Colin Humphreys about how LEDs work, how they are fabricated, and the ongoing work of our group.
Colin Humphreys discusses LED manufacture in Cambridge News
Colin Humphreys comments on the work of the Cambridge Centre for Gallium Nitride in the Cambridge News on the announcement of the 2014 Nobel Prize in Physics.
Colin Humphreys discusses blue LEDs in New Scientist
Colin Humphreys comments on applications of blue LEDs in New Scientist on the announcement of the 2014 Nobel Prize in Physics.
Colin Humphreys comments on the importance of blue LEDs in The Independent on the announcement of the 2014 Nobel Prize in Physics.
The Daily Telegraph announces Nobel Prize Winners
The Telegraph announces the winners of the 2014 Nobel Prize in Physics with comments from Colin Humphreys on the benefits of blue LED technology.
Daily Mail article on the 2014 Nobel Prize in Physics
The Daily Mail has published an article on the announcement of the 2014 Nobel Prize with comments from Colin Humphreys on the the various applications of blue LED technology.